
How to Make Sure You Get Our E-mail


To stop the ever-growing flood of spam, Internet service providers (ISPs) such as comcast.net and aol.com, e-mail services such as Yahoo mail, and e-mail clients such as Outlook are using filters to keep spam from cluttering your mailbox.

How do ISPs and other e-mail service providers know what is spam?

Unfortunately, they don't always know. The algorithms to figure out what is unsolicited spam and what is not are quite complex and not always reliable. Because of this, they sometimes accidentally block, delete, or filter out e-mail that you do want to receive.

You must keep spam out. We understand that. But because of this, we cannot guarantee you’ll actually receive my response to your e-mail message to us. The filter may block it from reaching you, and we have no way of knowing that you didn't receive it . . . nor do you have a way of knowing that we sent it.

What can you do about this?

To make sure that our e-mail is not deleted or filtered into a "junk" folder, please "whitelist" us by adding


to your list of trusted senders/your address book/contact list (in your e-mail software) and to your ISP/e-mail service's whitelist.

This way, the filters will know that you want to receive this e-mail.

Thank you for taking the time to do this!